Wednesday, September 29, 2010

9/29 - New meds and temperature monitored

9/29 – New meds today and temp check
Don had to start Cipro (antibiotic) today – 2 times daily.  Hoping his system takes it well and there are no bad side affects – we’ll see.  Cipro is a measure to fight off infections.   He has to start wearing a mask whenever folks come to visit or if we go anywhere there would be a crowd of folks.  He doesn’t like the mask at all – it just fits him so tight and is uncomfortable.   Need to remind him that it’s just temporary and he will get through this.  Need to take his temperature 3 times daily also and record times and temp.
A.M. - Flushing catheter – check
A.M. - Took temperature – check
A.M. - Cipro – check
Constantly writing things on our checklist for our trip to JH (6 weeks or possibly longer – pray it’s the shorter).  Hard to know what all to take and I’m sure once we’re there for that long we will be saying “should have brought this and that with us”.  No big deal though we have a wonderful family and they will bring us whatever we need.
We ran a few errands and now home – lunch for Don and rest a bit.  He wants me to help him tidy up the garage – SAY WHAT?? Haha – he just doesn’t want to leave it like it is – which btw looks fine to me *L*.
Did clean the garage some – didn’t finish to his liking but he was feeling quite tired so we went in.
Don rested for a bit – I fixed dinner (leftovers from the wonderful dinner my son and daughter-in-law fixed last night for everyone). 
It’s almost time for flushing – then bit later – Neupogen – and then temp monitoring.  I’m going to call it a day.
Till tomorrow…….
Don & Muffin


  1. Keep up the good work, Mom! You are doing great!
    Love you!!

  2. You are doing fabulous mom! Make sure Dad knows the house is in good hands while you're gone. Love you guys!
