Tuesday, November 2, 2010

11/2 - 9:30 am IPOP Appt

Temp checked and blood work done. Blood pressure taken – temp was good – blood pressure low again so they hooked him up to hydration.

Nurse Practitioner Kelly came rather early and talked w/Don. She asked about his nausea. He still continues to have an upset stomach – not a lot – but enough that he’s aware of it and it bothers him. She had Zofran hooked up to IV. She told him if that didn’t work she would try Protonix. Well neither of them worked so we’re back to square one. Don said tonight maybe I feel nauseous because my stomach is so empty? He hasn’t eaten very much past few weeks so he may have a point. But the doctors are trying but not with any good results.

He did eat some pop tart, banana and corn flakes while in IPOP – not a lot of each but to have 3 different things is great!!

I talked w/Dr. Borrello briefly when I was downstairs. He’s convinced if Don could start eating more this will help tremendously with getting his energy back. Nurse Practitioner Kelly also said the same thing earlier and she also wants him to drink more. So I think this has been stressed to Don – he really needs to eat more. Believe me he has tried – but when your stomach is constantly nauseous I can’t say I blame him at all – but he is really going to try.

We left around 3:30ish I think – I forgot to write it down.

I went to Safeway around 5ish – when I got back I fixed Don some baked potato, green beans and apples. He did pretty well – I was happy. I asked him how his stomach felt? I wondered if it felt upset from eating but he said no – so maybe we’re on our way. I sure hope so.

He’s going to bed soon – he slept fairly decent last night – 4 hours – potty – then 4 more hours. What a great improvement over what he has been doing. He does need something to help him sleep but if that is what it takes – that’s the way it is.

I honestly feel if he continues to eat more and sleep more he will be feeling better in no time – and THEN maybe we can be thinking about going home. How wonderful that would be.

Keep the prayers coming – we need and appreciate them all.

Until tomorrow………

Love you all!

Don & Muffin

1 comment:

  1. Keep pushing mom! We all believe the same thing, get him eating and walking and he'll be moving in no time. Love You Guys!!!
