Thursday, October 28, 2010

10/28 Another Not So Good Day :(

Thought I would put the email I sent out to my family this morning and adding a bit more.
So glad I got here when I did - when I turned the corner to go into Dad's room all the doctors were standing in front of his door along with Dr. Borrello. I was happy to see him.

Dr. B said all tests have come back negative. They did take Dad down for another CT Scan before I got here - he said it was the fastest test in history - he was back in room after 15 mins but I think it had to be longer than that - takes that long to get there *L*. But anyway, glad it was a quick trip for him.

Dr. B said when colonoscopy was taken there would have been signs of GVH (graft versus host) but there were none at all - so he is certain this is not the case with Dad. Early on they had detected very small lesions on the lungs but nothing has changed with that and he is sure nothing will change with them - he used the word stable.

He feels the diarrhea and fever is all related to the stem cell transplant - these are things that can happen - and unfortunately they did with Dad. I asked him when he thought this would stop - of course he couldn't commit to any time frame - he just said he will get better - no one can predict that time frame. I made the comment that we just wanted to get back to IPOP - what I meant by that was going there for count checks. He said we probably would not go back to IPOP - well he said maybe 1 time - but when Dad gets over this he would probably get released from here. I was happy to hear that. I'm just not happy not knowing when that may happen and of course no one knows at this point.

Dr. B was very happy about the counts - he seemed very optimistic that Dad will get over this (wish I could say soon here) - and be on his way home. He said Dad was doing great considering this setback.

12:05 p.m. – temp was 98.3
Still giving Don fluids with a bit of potassium as this count is low.

3:05 p.m. – temp was 98.8 but blood pressure was up a bit but Nurse Taryn said this could be due to all the fluids intake.

IF the diarrhea can be under control (which it has subsided somewhat – volume is so much less than it has been). They are giving him Imodium also so this could be part of it. But IF the diarrhea could get under control and definitely the fever they might think about releasing him. Oh won’t that be a happy day!! His counts are doing wonderfully!! When I say releasing him I wish this meant to go home but it could mean just releasing him from here and then we would have to continue visits to IPOP for count checks – especially red blood counts. If rbc were low they would have to give him transfusion. But let’s get OUT of here first.

5:55 p.m. – Temperature 100.8

7:20 p.m. – Temperature 100.2

Nurse Michele came in – asked him how he was feeling, checked his breathing. Will look into giving him ½ of an Ambien (sleep medication) around 11ish and the other around 2 a.m. – she will have to talk to doctor about cutting dosage in half and giving it to Don this way – this is what he requested.

Want to get this posted so I’ll let Kristi know it’s ready.

Pray for a better tomorrow. Don is wiped out L

Keep the prayers coming – we need and appreciate them all.

Love you all!

Don & Muffin

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