Friday, October 29, 2010

10/29 - A Better Day!

10/29 – A better day
Posting the email I sent to the kids today:
Okay - not sure if I told you all this or not but Dad was sitting up when I got here around 9:15ish - he hasn't done that in awhile so I was happy to see that. He had tried to eat the French toast but I think the syrup is sugar-free or low fat or something but anyway, he didn't like it at all. I asked if he wanted a banana but he said he would wait to see what lunch brings. At least he is thinking about food which is an improvement.

Dr. Fuchs came - said they were still waiting on the biopsy from the colonoscopy. Did mention possible lymphocytes in stomach could be causing the diarrhea and temps but frequency of diarrhea has really gone down and temps are stable right now as well. They also mentioned the GVHD again but said let's just wait to see if the colonoscopy shows anything or not. Dr. Fuchs said they are hoping for a release to IPOP soon - now wouldn't that be sweeeeet!!!

Lymphocytes: A small white blood cell (leukocyte) that plays a large role in defending the body against disease.
Lymphocytes are responsible for immune responses. There are two main types of lymphocytes: B cells and T cells. The B cells make antibodies that attack bacteria and toxins while the T cells attack body cells themselves when they have been taken over by viruses or have become cancerous. Lymphocytes secrete products (lymphokines) that modulate the functional activities of many other types of cells and are often present at sites of chronic inflammation.
Guy came to clean room and got his bed all nice and made with clean sheets and blankets - while doing this Dad did a few laps in the room - great!!! Getting the circulation going for sure. I will make sure he does this after each potty run!!

Nurse Don just came in - said the doctors had said they wanted to increase Dad's fluids but he told them he has been drinking and they said okay they wouldn't increase them right now but would still give him fluids. Nurse Don wants us to monitor how much Dad is actually drinking - he's hoping if it's enough during the day he can suggest stopping the fluids altogether. Dad wouldn't mind that at all - believe me!!

Counts - yesterday's first then todays:

White blood counts - 5570 - 4540
Red blood counts - 2.92 - 2.91
Packed cell volume - 25.4- 25.2
Platelets - 178 - 227
ANC - Neutrophils - 2180- 1990

I asked about the #'s taking a downward trend - they said nothing to get alarmed about - the #'s are doing great so I was happy to hear them say that.


12:55 p.m. – Kemmie came in to take his temp and blood pressure – both good!!
Lunch came – he had a few bites of turkey from turkey sandwich and few bites of orange jello. Nurse Don did notice he was on low fat diet – he talked with someone and they decided to put him on a regular diet. I think the regular diet definitely has more flavor. Doesn’t mean he’s eating any more of it – but maybe tasting a bit better.

Took a few hours for Nurse Don to come back in – Don and I were talking how he’s nothing like Nurse Taryn. She was in here nonstop during her shift.

4:15 p.m. – Kemmie came back and again blood pressure and temperature good!!
Such a relief having the temperature being good – let’s hope tonight it keeps the same good pattern.

5:00 p.m. – Nurse Don came to just check and to ask Don if he could do anything for him. Guess we shouldn’t be thinking he’s slacking – just comparing him to Taryn – no comparison.

6:00 p.m. – Don ate a few bites of roast beef and mashed potatoes. He says he has enough when the food starts tasting like cardboard – oh goodie – sounds good huh? Unfortunately he only gets a few bites in and that starts. I told him I was worried about his eating – I wonder if he will ever get his appetite back and I know once we get released I will be challenged with what to even fix him to eat. Guess we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it. It could happen SOON though!!

6:30 p.m. – Oh wow, Nurse Don came again to ask if there was anything he could do for Don. Maybe we were too hard on him earlier – maybe.

I just realized at 11:30ish tonight we will have been here for a week – sure seems a lot longer than that . :( Oh sorry – told myself no sad faces.

7:25 p.m. – Blood pressure was good but temp was up just a bit – it will, of course, be taken in a couple of hours.

Nurse Don came in to say he was leaving – he indicated there was a good possibility Don could be discharged tomorrow. Normally I would be totally thrilled about that – but #1 they have not gotten the results of the colonoscopy biopsy, #2 the temps continue to creep up later in the evening and #3 he still doesn’t have much energy. So like I said, I want to be happy he gets released so we can get on with the program but with all of this I just don’t know.

8:30ish – new Nurse came on duty – Karen. Very nice lady. She checked Don’s breathing, checked his throat – checked for swelling. She said he looked good. Told Don if he needed something for sleeping to please let her know. Don is always hesitant because of the frequency of having to go to potty with all the hydration. So not sure if he will or he won’t but I sure hope so. He NEEDS to sleep. She, too, mentioned he might be released tomorrow. I told her of my concerns. She said they would determine if he will according to how he is feeling in the morning.

Bri, Louisa and girls are coming tomorrow :):):). Unfortunately the girls won’t get to see Don but I will visit with them and Louisa while Bri visits with his Dad for a bit.

It’s 8:45 p.m. – I’ll be leaving here in about 40 minutes or so.

Keep the prayers coming – we need and appreciate them.

Until tomorrow……..

Love you all!

Don & Muffin

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